Introducing Down Home Diaries, a blog dedicated to celebrating the simple joys of Black Southern culture. Join us as we share heartfelt stories that inspire warmth and connection while wrapping you in nostalgic moments. Find the beauty in every small-town experience with Down Home Diaries.
Memories of Treasured Traditions
In a heartfelt reflection, Pauline journeys back to Christmas 2023, sharing cherished memories of a resilient rural childhood. She vividly describes festive traditions, from socks hung with care to mistletoe adventures. Amid the challenges of COVID, the appreciation for small gestures and the importance of carrying on family traditions shine through.
To The Moon: An Inception Of Black Love And Black History With The Pendletons
If you’ve ever witnessed the black excellence portrayed in the movie ‘Hidden Figures’, you will understand the depth of discovery we have truly found with getting to know former NASA scientists Dr. Walter and Dr. Alice Pendleton. They’ve overcome adversities, segregation, and broken boundaries that were meant to anchor down their ambitious dreams. We traveled to the couple’s home located in Hempstead, TX, just down the way from Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU), a historical black college, to learn more about this dynamic duo whose love story started over 49 years ago.
A Salute To My Father
The residents in Wake, Virginia, were either domestics, farmers, or fishermen. But my father had much bigger dreams! Dreams of any kind outside of the norm in Wake were audacious! Learn about Emanuel Mansfield, the man who was known as “The Songbird” and had dreams of becoming a concert tenor. Despite life’s challenges, he accomplished his dreams and so much more.
The Gingerbread Man
We all have that one childhood memory that we will never forget. For Pauline Mansfield, it was the Saturdays spent with her Godfather, Uncle Arthur. The enticing scent of Uncle Arthur's gingerbread muffins, and the taste of the sweet lemonade they enjoyed together, is something she will always remember her Godfather by. Join us as author, Pauline Mansfield, shares one of her short stories filled with her favorite childhood memories.
From Aubrey to Marianna and Back with Love
A beautiful Southern story by Blaise The Writer. Follow along as she describes her walks through the small town roads of Marianna and Aubrey, Arkansas and reflects on the memories of her grandparents, Jimmy and Paree Hale and Mansfield and Artra B. Randle.